

Llobet, Gerard and Jorge Padilla (2022) “Royalty Stacking and Validity Challenges: The Inverse Cournot Effect“, Journal of Industrial Economics, forthcoming.

Bar-Isaac, Heski, Guillermo Caruana and Vicente Cuñat (2022) “Targeted product design“, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, forthcoming.

Mendicino, Caterina, Kalin Nikolov, Javier Suárez and Dominik Supera (2020), “Bank capital in the short and in the long run”  Journal of Monetary Economics, 115: 64-79.

Santos, Joao and Javier Suárez (2019) “Liquidity standards and the value of an informed lender of last resort“, Journal of Financial Economics, 132 (2): 351-368.

Martínez-Miera, David and Rafael Repullo (2019) “Monetary policy, macroprudential policy, and financial stability“,  Annual Review of Economics, 11: 809-832

Garín-Muñoz, Teresa, Teodosio Pérez-Amaral and Rafael López (2019). Consumer engagement in e-Tourism: Micro-panel data models for the case of Spain”, Tourism Economics, forthcoming.

Martínez, Catalina. and Valerio Sterzi (2019) “The impact of the abolishment of the professor’s privilege on European university-owned patents,Industry and Innovation, 1: 1-36.

Repullo, Rafael (2018) “Hierarchical Bank Supervision” SERIEs, 9: 1-26.

Llobet, Gerard and Jorge Padilla (2018) “La necesaria convivencia entre plantas de generación convencionales y fuentes renovables de energíaPapeles de Energía, 6.

Valarezo-Unda, Angel, Teodosio Pérez-Amaral, Teresa Garín-Muñoz, Íñigo Herguera and Rafael López (2018) “Drivers and Barriers to cross-border e-commerce: Evidence from Spanish individual behavior,” Telecommunications Policy, 42 (6): 464-473.

Mendicino, Caterina, Kalin Nikolov, Javier Suárez and Dominik Supera (2018) “Optimal dynamic capital requirements” , Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 50 (6): 1271-1297

Garín Muñoz, Teresa, Rafael López, Teodosio Pérez-Amaral, Íñigo Herguera García and Ángel Valarezo Unda (2018) “Models for Individual Adoption of eCommerce, eBanking and eGovernment in Spain,” Telecommunications Policy, 43(1): 100-111. 

Martínez, Catalina and Lydia Bares (2018) “The link between technology transfer and international extension of university patents: evidence from Spain“, Science and Public Policy, 45, 6: 827-842.

Ciaramella, Laurie, Catalina Martínez and Yann Menière (2017) “Tracking patent transfers in different European countries: methods and a first application to medical technologies,”  Scientometrics, 112 (2): 817–850.

Catalina Martinez and Pluvia Zuniga (2017), “Contracting for technology transfer: patent licensing and know-how in Brazil,”Industry and Innovation, 24 (6): 659-689.

Martínez-Miera, David and Rafael Repullo (2017) “Search for Yield,” Econometrica, 85: 251-278.

Segura, Anatoli and Javier Suarez (2017) “How excessive is banks’ maturity transformation?,” Review of Financial Studies, 30: 3538-3580.

Garín-­Muñoz, Teresa, Teodosio Pérez -Amaral, Covadonga Gijón and Rafael López (2016) “Consumer complaint behaviour in telecommunications: The case of mobile phone users in Spain, ” Telecommunications Policy, 40: 804-820.

Herguera, Íñigo (2016) “Avances en la consolidación de un mercado europeo de servicios digitales integrado: nueva regulación de la neutralidad de las redes y dela itinerancia dentro de la UE”, 3conomi4, 12: 52-61.

Valarezo-Unda, Angel, Teodosio Pérez-Amaral and Covadonga Gijón (2016) “Big Data. Witnessing the Birth of a New Discipline,” Journal of Informatics and Data Mining.

Llobet, Gerard and Jorge Padilla (2016) “The Optimal Scope of the Royalty Base in Patent Licensing“, The Journal of Law and Economics, 59: 45-73.

Indexed conference proceedings

Fusco, Stefania, Francesco Lissoni, Catalina Martínez and Valerio Sterzi (2019) “Monetization Strategies of University Patents Through PAEs: an Analysis of US Patent TransfersISSI Proceedings 2019.

Chapters in books

Graham, Stuart and Catalina Martinez (2019). The Economics of Software Innovation and ‘Software Patents’, chapter in M.Dhenne and Ch. Geiger (eds), Les inventions mises en oeuvre par ordinateur: enjeux, pratiques et perspectives, Collection du CEIPI No.67, LexisNexis

Martínez, Catalina and Valerio Sterzi (2019) “University patenting and the quest for technology transfer policy models in Europe”, chapter in Varga A. and Erdos K. (Eds.), Handbook of Universities and Regional Development, Edward Elgar.

Martínez, Catalina (2018) “Expanding Patents in the Digital World: The Example of Patents in Software”, in Xavier Seuba, Christophe Geiger, and Julien Penin (eds), Intellectual Property and Digital Trade in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Global Perspectives for the Intellectual Property System, CEIPI-ICTSD, Issue Number 5.

Working Papers

Tatiana Rosá (2020) “Cooperation, Competition and Patents: Understanding Innovation in the Telecommunication Sector“, Job Market Paper, available on CEPR.

Llobet, Gerard, Álvaro Parra and Javier Suárez (2019) “On the Long-term Interaction between Patent Screening and its Enforcement”, mimeo

Pérez Amaral, Teodosio, Angel Valarezo-Unda, Teresa Garín, Iñigo Herguera and Rafael López (2019) “Ecommerce and digital divide in Spain using individual panel data 2008-2016″ mimeo.

Ferrer, Ana and Gerard Llobet (2019), Complex Quality Provision in a Competitive Setting, mimeo.

Gago, Andres (2018) “Confrontation Costs in Negotiations: Barganing Under the Veil of a Screen” SSRN Working Paper.

Llobet, Gerard and Jorge Padilla (2018) “Conventional power plants in liberalized electricity markets with renewable energy”  cemfi Working Papers 1801.

Bar-Isaac, Heski, Guillermo Caruana and Vicente Cuñat (2018) “Targeted Product Design: Locating inside the Salop circle”, mimeo.

Martínez, Catalina and Sarah Parlane (2018) “On the firms’ decision to hire academic scientists,” Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) CSIC, Working Paper. 2018-01.

Peñasco, Cristina, Catalina Martínez and Pablo del Río (2016), “Patentes ‘verdes’ españolas solicitadas en la Oficina Europea de Patentes: características y cambios de propiedad“, Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) CSIC, Working Paper. 2016-04.

Ganuza, Juan-José and Gerard Llobet (2017) “The Simple Economics of White Elephants,” cemfi Working Paper 1701.

Martínez, Catalina, Francesco Lissoni and Luis Sanz-Menéndez (2016) “Funding and ownership of academic inventions: evidence from a patent level survey” mimeo.

Llobet, Gerard and Jorge Padilla (2016) “The Inverse Cournot Effect in Royalty Negotiations with Complementary Patents,” cemfi Working Paper 1608.